At 02:36 AM 1/9/99 -0500, Marc Hurst wrote:
>On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
>> Isn't this going a bit too far ?
>> Last night I met with Jay Fenello. Nobody was told,
>> nobody could show up unless they stumbled across us.
>> Secret. Closed. Evil.
>Tressa? Richard? You had Jay all the way out to Brannockburn and didn't
>invite me or Tim?

Neither you or Tim or Jay has a Land Rover with 3 foot studded snow 
tires, whihc is about what you'd need to get to Bannockbutrn right now.

We've been testing pnline conferenceing applications. If you want to 
be at the next meeting, have your avatar call my avatar. (or send me

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