Thanks so much for demonstrating in clear, factual terms how distorted your
treatment of the study has been.

Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:

> How many of the people to whom you have cited the results of the study
> (WIPO for example) understood that you had excluded from
> the study? is right there in the list of cases studied. Case type was
classified as "speculation." Result was classified as "C" -- "challenger wins

> Wnen you say that "TM Owners abuse NSI policy more than are abused by
> pirates" that you have excluded the owners of from the
> list of TM owners who have been abused by pirates? is right there in the list of cases studied. It was classified
as "speculation." Result: C -- challenger wins name.

The list of the 121 cases has been posted at
since July 1998.

The fact that Schwimmer was unable to cite specific cases that were not counted
is, I think, instructive. He committed two demonstrable factual errors.  I look
forward to a retraction.

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