Tony -- Very interesting.

I expect that we need to think about the structural issues where
many ccTLDs use the 2LD level for categories (which really
correspond to gTLDs in some important ways.)  So, just cutting
across particular levels is not going to work very well.

So, I come back to "anyone with Zone Admin responsibilities


"A.M. Rutkowski" wrote:
> Karl,
> > I suspect everybody will say that the holder of
> > holds a domain.
> > But what about the holder of
> >
> > Why not?  Are subdelegated domain holders inferior citizens?
> >
> > If so, then we've just ruled out everyone such as
> >
> Indeed.  As Mark Lottor's host counts make clear, the
> top hundred 3rd level domains account for 24% of all the
> hosts.  By any metric or construct, their importance
> in the DNS is significant.
> Even the 100th of these has more hosts in its zone
> than does any by the top 44 TLDs.
> The top 3rd level domain, has more hosts under
> it than any but the top 25 TLDs.
> --tony

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