As I am not an ISOC member, my observations are based on my readings
of the ISOC discussion group, which was recently made public.  I will
defer to Don Heath in case I have made an incorrect assumption.

jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Greg Skinner wrote:

>> If you are as serious about education as you say, why not take some
>> intiative yourself?  There are people in ISOC, for example, who are
>> interested in putting together some educational material on the
>> Internet.  Why not join forces with them?

> Depends on who those  people in the ISOC are.  If it is an ISOC
> sponsored educational program, you can bet it will be inaccurate and
> slanted towards a specific political and policy bent as has been the
> mantra of Don Heath for some time now.

I think you should go to the discussion group and read what the people
who've suggested an educational Internet program have to say.  If it
looks like you could collaborate, I think you should do so.

>> I'm sure they'd welcome the help.

> Don't be so sure.  It has been offered before, but unless you pay their
> ( ISOC's ) $1000,00 entry fee they are not going to listen.

ISOC has individual memberships.  It's much less than $1000.  I don't
remember the amount offhand.

>> Isn't [educating people by speaking at a web conference] better
>> than accusing people of being irresponsible?  It seems that way to me.

> Sure it is.  But it must also be done in an honest and straight
> forward manner as well.  This is NOT something that the ISOC has
> been engaged in over the past several years.

As I said, contact the individuals who are proposing the work.  Join
them if you think you can work with them.  Join ISOC if you think you
can work within their structure.  Or else join someone else's
educational program whose agenda fits your agenda, or start your own.


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