Joop and all,

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> At 11:48 9/01/99 +0000, jeff Williams wrote:
> Joop Teernstra wrote:
> <snip>
> >> No, Jeff, this is not a proposal for censorship, but a proposal to combat
> >> the kind of flaming that is intended to silence people.
> >
> >  I agree Joop in this instance and it applies to ALL of those whom
> >frequently engage in personal attacks.  However to single out
> >Michael is a gross miscarriage of fairness and justice.
> >there are many others, such a Kent Crispin, Chris Ambler, Antony
> >Van Courvering, ect, that are FAR more guilty of personal attacking
> >than Michael is.
> >
> No intention to single out anyone. Michael just provided the right example
> of incivility that I needed to propose moderation.
> This is not about people, but about procedures that make a better list.

  Ok, very well.  Explanation excepted.  >;)

> I really want to propose a system of graduated ostracism.
> lowest level: a tickoff by the moderator
> second level: a warning by the moderator
> third level: a threat of removal of write privileges unless an apology is
> offered to the offended party. (yellow card)
> fourth level: formal procedures by the enlire list membership for long-term
> removal (red card)
> (this last level will need a proper list-constitution and a voting mechanism)

  Good suggestion.  It might be a good idea to append on the subject
on posts or responses from these different levels which individuals
are at what levels of disrepute as well...

> Volunteer moderators can be selected by open acclamation or vote.
> Let all list contributors realize that we are all human, but that
> nevertheless everything said here, can and will be used against us, at
> least  in this court of peers.

  Agreed.  >;)

> --Joop--
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Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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