I am sorry to hear this Andy. But, you knew the job was dangerous when you
took it <grin>.

At 12:51 PM 1/10/99 -0500, Andy Sernovitz wrote:
>Please note:

>2. I have done this because I am constantly being accused of unethical
>behavior in adding people to the list.  For the record, I have approved 100%
>of subscription requests.  Please remember that I was asked to add this
>feature in order to prevent fraudulent postings.
>3.  Next time I am accused of dishonest behavior in the administration of
>this list, I will shut it down within 24 hours with no notice.  I am a
>volunteer, who has done an adequate job, and I do not need to take any crap.
>The parties involved in this domain name dispute have consistently shown an
>ungodly lack of respect for each other as people.
>4.  I would suggest you begin looking for a new host for this list as soon
>as possible.  Nothing personal, I'm just tired of the meanness, hostility,
>silly accusations, and childish games.

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
e-mail:                                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet phone:                                hawk.lvrmr.mhsc.com
Personal web pages:             http://staff.mhsc.com/~rmeyer
Company web-site:                           http://www.mhsc.com
I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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