Esther Dyson wrote:
> I'm not saying that the whole world is squeaky-clean and bright, 
> but we are subjecting it to an awful lot of sunshine.  Don't curse 
> the darkness; come shine a light.

 The whole process is rotten and corrupt to the core
 and we are trying to evade and obscure any and all
 real criticism, dissent, debate and input by keeping
 it all very hush-hush and secret. We curse the light
 and do our best to spread the darkness at every
 available opportunity.

 Esther has fallen through the Wars of Internet Governance
 looking glass. She joins Crispin, Shaw, Crocker and the
 king of all the warped Perry "Twist and Shout" Metzger.
 Just thought I would point that out. For the fun of it if
 nothing else. Because all this fuddle duddle goes absolutely,
 positively no-where. But round and round and round and .....

 Bob Allisat

 Free Community Network _ [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ 

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