Yeah, but Esther... it was a very shallow analysis. I rememeber
readng it when it came out... I was really impressed as hell with you
in the Wired write up I'd read some months or years back... I can't begin to
tell you hiw highly I thought of you... then I read this thing and could
not believe my eyes. There was significant opposition to IAHC before
it was created, during it's creation and throughout it's dubious tenure.
No mention as made of this or any of the other efforts. For all the noise
and smoke, there was some substance there. If ICANN worked for two years
and came up with something *half* as good as the now 2 year old eDNS
model I'd be impressed.

It was either bad analysis, or good analysis and a bad conclusion ("I'm
sure IAHC will sort everything out" to paraphrase). So, how can we trust
you now to be any better?

I do not speak or ORSC here, but as a member of a group of people
who have had TLD registries ready and waiting for years now, and
at this point feel like Indians in early North America. We have things
we've built and along come a bunch of folks saying "trust us".

At 03:40 PM 1/10/99 -0500, Esther Dyson wrote:
>FWIW, that was before I had any responsibility for deciding on such
>matters....  (Of course, I could say that I was right after all and leave it
>at that!) 
>At 02:22 PM 10/01/99 -0500, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
>>At 01:44 PM 1/10/99 -0500, Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
>>>After all, Ms. Dyson's article on the Grateful Dead model of intellectual
>>>property management proves that she will never sell out the Internet to
>>>trademark interests.
>>Have you read the section on net domain names in her latest book ?
>>While she has personally admitted it was "naive", I have a problem
>>with such shallow analysis which is later written off as "I was
>>wrong". Who knows what to trust then?
>>"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
>>says about you" - unknown

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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