Just to be clear on what I meant by an OPEN PUBLIC BOARD MEETING. It does not mean 
holding it in Rockefeller Center. There can be a limited but reasonable number of 
seats for the public with usually a set-a-side for the press. The public is NOT 
allowed to randomly comment and interact. They are given a period during the meeting 
when they can request 3 to 5 minutes of time to observe, comment etc. One per 
customer. They have the RIGHT however to hear all that is going on.

Basically the US Sunshine laws say the publics business should be conducted in public. 
Yes some will still use smoke filled rooms but that will, if fact, show itself in the 
way the formal voting and discussion takes place in the public meetings.

I believe that the ICANN Board will never gain the trust of the community unless it 
opens up its process in a rational way. Here, in the US, many of us find what I have 
proposed reasonable and liveable for all parties.


PS in our legal system, to the best of my knowledge, court proceedings are also open 
to the public (in the USG vs MS they were usually packed). We sue when trials are 

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