At 12:30 PM 1/11/99 -0500, Gordon Cook wrote:
>something is underway right now I believe.....but those doing it should
>publish the details as soon as they have them ready...

>>> IS THER ANY ONE willing and able to host this list and attach a civil
>>> discourse requirement to it?
>>The ISP/C will.
>>Patrick Greenwell

MHSC.NET is working on delivering a web-list service. Having seen the
problems with the IFWP list, we would rather deliver a quality service late
than a problematic service expeditiously. If anyone else is working on
this, please let me know.

We are using Apache-SSL with sendmail, Majordomo, and MajorCool. We should
have it up soon, with remote moderators and secure browsing. I've mentioned
this before along with a two-month time-frame. We are still within the
time-frame and on schedule. We were planning to do this anyway, as part of
an acceleratted roll-out of SecureLists. It will be pro bono for these
issues. It is a sunk production cost for these issues anyway. 

Give me another couple of weeks and it should be up and running, what I
consider beta-level service.

Richard, can I take the Civil-Discourse page from the ORSC web-site?

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
e-mail:                                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet phone:                      
Personal web pages:   
Company web-site:                 
I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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