At 08:59 AM 1/12/99 -0800, Greg Skinner wrote:
>"Richard J. Sexton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>2) I can't for the life of me imagine why a server at Berkman
>>wuld be "hard to configure to". Sounds like pilot error to me
>>but I note you have no problems handling mailing lists.
>If you're behind a firewall with no NNTP proxy service, you can't
>access the Berkman server.  But otherwise, I think it's only a matter
>of specifying the NNTPSERVER environment variable (if you're using
>something like Unix) or setting the NNTP server config parameter
>of your newsreader or browser.

I don't buy it. Dejanews takes all groups and make sthem available
over the web. If they aren't maing a group available, just
ask them to add it, If the don't respond, let me know and
I'l pull in a favour.

Of course then anybody can post ot it.

I maintain however that ubiquity of transport is not the issue
here, it's quality of content.

If peopel want their messages to come to them via email, nntp
or http, that is *their* problem. Information is available
via email, the lowest common denominator (acordinf to John
Quartermans studies) so if yo want it via some other transport,
great, go ahead and set it up.

Nothing is stopping you.

Let's not forger the net is occupied by two classes of
people. Users and system owner/operators (which I remind you
are all private). Now, if you remove all users form the net
it would be indeed a veryboring place with only a million
or so people, but everything would still *work*. Remove the
privately owned systems howeevr and there would be no internet.

Just bits of wire ending nowhere, where it used to plug
in to a router or server that are the switches in this
giant network.

"To find out what your opponent is up to, look at what he
says about you" - unknown

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