At 08:46 PM 1/11/99 -0500, Michael Sondow wrote:
>Richard J. Sexton a écrit:
>> At 07:19 PM 1/11/99 -0500, Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
>> >
>> >p.s. the present draft allows an entity to belong to as many groups as it
>> >meets the qualifications for (and pays the fees for).
>> What's that called? The "capture clause" ?
>Exactly. But it has been argued over, and will continue to be argued over.
>Nevertheless, it seems that the only way to circumvent the problem is to
>have an individual membership structure a la Karl Auerbach, and this, of
>course, neither the trademark groups, nor the registries, nor any other
>businesses want, since it puts the users on an equal footing with them.

This is not quite true. MHSC is coming around to Karl's way of thinking as
the only *viable* means to proceed. There seems to be no universally
accpetable/defensible means to slice up Internet constituency pie. The old
"candy bar" method doesn't work wiith more than two players. The latter
seems to be counter-intuitive, but is a good example of a good idea that,
while it works for the restricted case, absolutely fails when scaled up.

>So, in order to keep out the users, the Internet businesses are willing to
>spend the rest of their lives fighting between themselves for power.

This is not true. It is only that they haven't seen the "light" yet.

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
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I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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