
  If anyone believes that they are being harmed by lack of action or
incorrect action by the NTIA or any other USG agency they can surely seek
a legal remedy as required by law.  If those parties are NOT willing
to do so, than either they cannot make this case, or are not willing to
take the steps to make their case.  We  (INEGroup) have done so
on more than one occasion and were compensated accordingly.
Any other corporation, company or individual may do likewise.

Christopher Ambler wrote:

> >> Then again, I also think that this DNSO will accomplish nothing, as it
> >> will never resolve the issues and ICANN will have to decide anyway.
> >> All it does is provide a forum for *future* issues. In the meantime, it
> >> merely wastes another year.
> >
> >You are probably right. But, what can we do? We have no choice now. We have
> >to continue. Maybe, instead of the good ideas coming through, all the bad
> >ones will be shown up, and whatever is left over will have to do.
> Make the case to the ICANN that the DNSO will not solve the
> current issues, but will, instead waste time and extend the
> economic harm to businesses wishing to compete in this
> industry but being unfairly prevented from doing so.
> Christopher
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Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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