At 02:55 PM 1/12/99 -0800, Kent Crispin wrote:

>Sometimes those not so versed in irony don't get it.

Sometimes, those of us who have real work to do, don't have the
time/patience for such "games".

I have always been a proponent of the direct approach. Say what you mean,
son. These little head-games are a waste of everyone's time. Michael Sindow
doesn't get that either.

I don't leave too many folks guessing where I stand on something, neither
should you. Cutting these childish games out may even result in some
progress. I, personally, don't have the time/energy to try and decipher
your cryptic irony. I don't know you that well and I may not want to. It
all reads as disengenous to me, at first read. I don't often have time for
a second read. With the volume on these lists, I doubt anyone with a job
and family has such time either. Ergo, your "irony" game falls flat here.
At 1200 words per minute, one doesn't necessarily see all the signs.

Roeland M.J. Meyer - 
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I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing...
                -- Thomas Jefferson

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