On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Christopher Ambler wrote:

> >Negative.  The ICANN's role, and the DNSO's role, with regard to ccTLDs
> must
> >be minimal.  Their object should not be to remove ccTLDs, especially on the
> >basis of as-yet undefined criteria, nor should it have any say in how they
> >are managed or developed or assigned, except within the limits of a basic
> >contract with ICANN for use of the root.  ccTLDs and gTLDs should and must
> >be treated separately.  This will be a show-stopper for most ccTLDs.
> So what you're saying is that ICANN takes on IANA's role WRT gTLDs, but
> not WRT ccTLDs?

IANA always treated ccTLDs differently from gTLDs.  Specifically, IANA 
assumed that it had the power to create IAHC to devise a new policy 
regarding gTLDs.  It was very clear at all times that IANA understood
that it had no power over ccTLDs.  Postel chose, very wisely, to adopt
a policy of deference to the relevant sovereign government.
> Smacks of, "Do anything you want, but leave me alone!"

More like, "do what you like with the gTLDs, but use common sense 
when dealing with the ccTLDs".

Were ICANN to attempt to assert authority over the ccTLD registries,
the minimal result would be that they would quietly ignore ICANN's
"regulations".  A more likely result is an international uproar and
the elimination of ICANN.
> All or nothing - either ICANN has control of the roots, or it doesn't.
> Nobody
> gets treated unfairly or under different terms.
> This will be a show-stopper for most gTLDs.

Come on, Chris, the only significant existing gTLDs are those controlled by 
NSI.  The would-be gTLD registries have been protesting with all their
might for the last few years; no one would much notice any new protests.

Jim Dixon                                                 Managing Director
VBCnet GB Ltd                http://www.vbc.net        tel +44 117 929 1316
Member of Council                               Telecommunications Director
Internet Services Providers Association                       EuroISPA EEIG
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