Fine. I'd like to make policy for .US. I live in the US. Now what?
Christopher Ambler
This email address belongs to a Resident of the State of Washington

----- Original Message -----
From: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 1999 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Commentary on ICC submission

>On 15-Jan-99 Christopher Ambler wrote:
>> And what of the ccTLDs that are not run by the governments? What of those
>> who are operated out-of-country? What of those who are operated without
>> the oversight (and perhaps even the knowledge) of the government in
>> question?
>> Just asking...
>RFC1591 (which is the authority for delegating these domains) specifies
>the administrative contact is the policy maker for the TLD, and must reside
>the country of origin.
>Who ever said that governments had the right to "oversight" of the ccTLD?
>That would be a Bad Thing(tm) as we would be adding a level of bureaucratic
>arbitrary decision making to the Registry processes.
>E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 15-Jan-99
>Time: 14:18:20

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