>Richard Sexton, in a posting yesterday to the IFWP list, asked very
>simply why there was such a fuss, since the dues could be defined
>as, say, five times the price of a coca cola in the country of
>residence of the applicant. Do you think that a person unwilling to
>invest that modest sum, even if it meant depriving him- or herself
>of five coca-colas during a year, could nevertheless be a sincere
>applicant for membership and a valuable adjunct to ICANN? I doubt

Framing it in those terms, I think it should be 10X the price
of a can of coke (or evivalent - a glass of pineapple juice
in Uganda is fine).

$USD 5 will have $4 spent on administration, so make it 10. If
you can't ilve without less that a case of coke once a year
you're not serious. This stuff all *means* something and you
must be prepared to give something.

"Those who give up a little freedom for a little security
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one"
               --Thomas Jefferson

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