
  I received about an hour ago, a very interesting threatening call regarding
my forwarding your post "[Advisory Notice from IHOJ] Subject: Unsavory
Individuals "NetKooks", from someone, which will remain nameless
at Mindspring/Netcom customer service.  He attempted to inform
me that the post that I forwarded for you upon your request he had
received two calls claiming that I was attempting to harass and myself
threaten them by forwarding your post.  I quickly corrected him and informed
this individual that first you had requested that I forward your post, which
he claimed I posted.  Upon checking, he agreed to that, but insisted that
in doing so I had violated my usage agreement, which I promptly read to him
word for word ( I will forward you a copy in a later private post), which
yet again he agreed that I was correct again, but sated that he would get
back to the parties that filed the complaint and I could likely expect a being
served and that they would be contacting you in this respect as well.

  About 10 mins. later I contacted the Mindspring/Netcom customer service
center and spoke to their supervisor.  He checked my record on my
account and politely informed me that there was no complaint in my user
ID record or the phone log either.  He also informed me that if one should
be entered at a later date he will inform me of whom, when and why it
would be filed.  I will following this post, send you a converted .WAV
file of both conversations for your review and records.

Just thought you should be aware.  I personally saw nothing threatening in your
"Advisory" post.  Please advise if you feel the need...

For your records and
Kindest Regards,

Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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