
You wrote:

> Ken Stubbs a écrit:
> > 
> > please correct me if i am wrong but it was my understanding that proxies
> > were not allowed in this process.
> I don't recall anyone disallowing proxies. Please tell me if someone
> did. What's wrong with proxies, if they're substantiated with an
> email sent from the person's email address? 
> Can you propose another method so that people who can't come to
> Berlin (or another meeting) can vote? If it's a choice between
> running the slight risk of cheating through using false proxies, and
> restricting the voting to only those who can physically be in
> Berlin, I'd say the first was the lesser evil, wouldn't you?
The use of proxies would be welcome if there was any chance to *really*
proof the will of the proxy-giver.
This is not the case for an E-Mail message.

What would your reaction be if AOL (just to make an example) would show up
in Berlin with an E-Mail message from each of the owners of an E-Mail
account with them giving them the proxy?
Before answering, keep in mind that such E-Mail is not difficult to fake by
AOL ;>).

Your intention is good, but I don't see, unfortunately, E-Mail proxies as a
possible solution. In fact, the MAC has debated this issue at length, in
view of the individual Membership and the election of the At-Large


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