In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Sondow writes:
> Dr Eberhard W Lisse a écrit:
> > 
> > Just for the record,
> > 
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Sondow writes:
> > > Jay Fenello a =E9crit:
> > >
> > > > For the record, Iperdome claims membership
> > > > in the following constituencies:
> > > >     ccTLD registries
> > 
> > What country top level domain would that be?
> I think Jay may be in line to get the registry for .NEP, the TLD for
> the planet Neptune in Vint Cerf's interplanetary domain name system.
> It's not exactly a ccTLD, but what the heck, it's a whole new world,
> why restrict this to prosaic ccTLDs? And if you say that there's no
> one there to register, well, there's no one but the lizards and
> tse-tse flies on some of these South Pacific islands whose TLDs are
> being sold for good money. I think .NEP has a bright future, myself.
> :-)

Sure. As soon has I can see him with


he can join the ccTLD constituency, as far as I am concerned.


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