A US appeals court ruled Friday that the money in a $62-million 
Internet Development fund was collected legally from registrants of 
Internet addresses and could be spent on internet development. The 
news delighted officials at the National Science Foundation, which 
has already pledged to spend the money on network-research projects 
at dozens of universities.
Each time a company, organization, and individual paid to register a 
".com," ".net," or ".org" name from 1995 through 1997, $15 a year went 
into the a fund developed under an agreement between NSF and Network 
Solutions, a Virginia company that manages the Internet registration 
process. The fund, knows as the Intellectual Infrastructure Fund, 
was intended to be used for unspecified Internet improvements.
However, a group of individuals and Internet companies sued the two 
parties in 1997, alleging that the fee was an illegal tax. 
The US District Court for the District of Columbia agreed that it 
was a tax but said that Congress could retroactively authorize it, 
which lawmakers did later that month. The decision was appealed and 
a ruling on Friday by US Court of Appeals says that once Congress 
approved the fee, the fund became legal.

Bill Lovell

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