>Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 19:51:08 -0700
>To: Karl Auerbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Bill Lovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: How come country code TLDs are all showing up with NSI          
>    advertising?
>Bcc: ƒ\Domain
>At 05:53 PM 5/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Network Solutions sorely misses a principle aspect of advertising: it can
>be overwhelmingly NEGATIVE.  It seems to me that the more it inflicts
>its babble on the net as a whole, not only does that encourage everyone
>to seek out ANY means to deal with ANYONE other than Network
>Solutions, but it develops a mind set wherein no one would buy a 
>pencil from Network Solutions if it were sitting out on the sidewalk
>with a tin cup.
>(You know the ads that are tacked on so as to cover over the
>comics pages in the Sunday papers?  Wherein you are obliged
>to rip them off in order to read the comics? Do you keep a list
>of the outfits that buy those ads?  I sure do.  Is that so I will
>know whom NOT to buy from?  Heh, heh!)
>Bill Lovell
>>If one goes to http://www.iana.org/cctld.html and peruses the various
>>ccTLDs, every specific listing comes up on a Network Solutions web page
>>bearing NSI advertising.
>>Thus, if find .nu and bring up the details it is all wrapped up in NSI's
>>headers, advertisements, etc, even though the small text that I was
>>actually looking for pertains to a competing registry.
>>This is not only odd, but it is improper.
>>One should not be subjected to NSI hype when looking up it's competitors
>>through the presumably fair minded ICANN/IANA mechanisms.
>>                --karl--

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