Dear supporters of the idea that Individuals need their representation on the DNSO.

Just a brief message at this point. When I'm back in New Zealand I will have the 
chance to digest all that has happened a bit better.

It has been an emotional up and down.
Yesterday, when we were handed the Board resolutions, I was dismayed that there was 
absolutely nothing about our application in it.

Not even a polite acknowledgement of our efforts and our application for a separate 

I called Esther and asked if she could give me a private indication of what was wrong 
with our application to deserve such a treatment.

She preferred to refer to our application in public at the presscon the next day.

This is what happened just now. She gave me the chance to speak again, this time with 
the press present.

I did so and generated a little deeper debate.  Let's hope the press deals with it 

The upshot is, that ICANN did make a (not-published) resolution on our application.
"We have looked at it, debated it at length and decided not to take any action on it 
at this moment".

The reason for this stance was also explained. 
Balanced representation on the ICANN board (individual users vs. commercial 
has to be achieved both through the at -large membership and the DNSO.

What will be accepted in the DNSO will depend on how finally the membership will be 

It has not yet been decided that there will be an "all users" membership, even though 
that is the recommendation of the MAC.

We just have to be very vigilant that we will not be fobbed off with this argument.

We need to grow exponentially before we are considered at the Santiago meeting on 24 
We have to present ourselves as a critical and responsible partner in the process of 
building fair representation in Internet Governance.

We can do it.



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