Joop wrote:

> The hotel where the Board and those on expense
> accounts stay, costs over 350 DM per night, yet no
> internet connectivity at all was available to the
> conference participants, who had to find a cybercafe
> far away to report to their constituents who could not
> physically be there.

The Berkman Center had a couple computers available immediately after
meetings that some people used for checking email via web accounts (hotmail,
yahoomail, etc.).  We certainly didn't have enough for everyone or for
anyone to use for very long, but we would have been happy to let you use
what we had for a reasonable amount of time.  Sorry that didn't work out.

> When I made the presentation for the idno
> constituency, no printout could be made of the
> constituency's charter and the request to display the
> charter on the overhead screen was not met.
> A technical hiccup, or deliberate?

Certainly not deliberate.  I recall displaying the URL that you requested on
the second screen.  (Something in <>, as I
recall.)  Had you paused your presentation to instruct me to show a
different page instead, I would have been happy to do so, and would have
done the same for any other presenter who asked as much.

Printing was difficult for all of us because we didn't have an adequate
printer available.  (The one we had was very slow and a bit unreliable,
while the business center wasn't as responsive as we might have liked.)
ICANN staff also had printing problems at times -- so I'd definitely not
call that deliberate.

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