On Sat, 29 May 1999 13:03:54 -0700, Dave Crocker

>At 03:23 PM 5/29/99 -0400, Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law wrote:
>>2) I am uncertain what your remark about constituencies is supposed to
>Michael, I apologize for the confusion of my reference to you.  Somewhat 
>out of character, my comment was not so much focused on the fact that you 
>-- or any other individual -- had concerns, but that the reporting of the 
>concerns gives the impression that it represents a larger "constituency" 
>with that concern.

But that is just it, Dave.  It DOES represent a much larger
constituency than you or the rest of the CORE supporters want to

If you look at the online participation, I think it was made
ABUNDANTLY clear that there were a LARGE number of people who share
the concerns Mr Froomkin has put forth.

It is the insistant of your group to ignore those who cannot make a
face to face attendence that backs up your claim that this is not so.

You are attempting to mischaracterize the level of support for his
concerns in an effort to acheive short term goals that are
unacceptable to a vast number of stakeholders.

I have a serious question for you Dave.  Why do you insist on
charactizing these concerns as minimal and trivial when the sheer
volume of concerns shows this to be otherwise?  

I recently watched a thread on a popular interactive "geek" tech news
site  when the WIPO report was released.  By a vast margin, they came
to the same conclusions as those of us who oppose the adoption of the
WIPO guidelines.  As a community they number in the tens of thousands.
They have been instrumental as a community in applying influence on
corporations such as IBM and Proctor and Gamble, and many others, on
similar issues.  Their activist efforts have even coined a new phrase
to describe the effect that their efforts have.  Groups of this size
exist, and share many of the concerns stated.  Would you like them to
make their opinions and comments known to ICANN?  Can ICANN handle the
sheer volume of email and web site traffic such a grassroots effort by
interested stakeholders could generate?  Would THAT convince you there
is OVERWHELMING concerns with the WIPO reports?

What will it take for you to open your eyes and see that there are
stakeholders and participants who are outside the
IAHC/ISOC/gTLD-MoU/PAB/CORE sphere of influence?  You well know these
"groups" act together and usually with one voice.  They may as well be
ONE group.  But they do NOT constitute even a simple majority of the
interested stakeholders.....not even close.

William X. Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Fax:(209) 671-7934

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