On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:

> Gordon, 
> One does not have to be 100 percent in agreement with everything in order to
> stay involved in something.  I think I can do more for the little guy (and
> the Net in general) from inside ICANN than from outside. 

So do I. When are we going to have elections? Isn't that what the interim
board should be focusing on? 

The board could do the most for "the Net in general" by concentrating
solely on getting a duly elected board in place. At least that way those 
"arrogant juveniles" as Mike Roberts likes to refer to ICANN detractors
might actually have a say as to who they most feel comfortable having
represent "the little guy." This could result in ICANN actually having
some legitimacy among the serfs. 

Patrick Greenwell                Telocity              http://www.telocity.com
(408) 863-6617 v                  (tinc)               (408) 777-1451 f

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