On Mon, 14 Jun 1999 00:58:43 +0100, Jeff Williams

>  As has been  reoccurring mantra from many with respect to
>mailing list etiquette, and most specifically in regards to
>cross posting, it appears that Mr. Walsh in this instance
>is being a bit disingenuous in his supposed desires to
>insist that Kent Crispin, in this instance on the IDNO
>mailing list.
>  This sort of jousting is not uncommon as we have seen it
>many times before on other lists, as is evident on the
>ICANN membership list and the DNSO discuss list in
>particular.  I would submit that there is really a diversion
>tactic rather than a real concern or complaint, regardless
>of whom is espousing it.

Jeffrey, you may not be aware, but the IDNO list has established
certain rules to facilitate our list.  This includes a no cross
posting rule.

My comments were appropriate and inline with etiquette.

What is a diversion tactic is the disruption of the IDNO forum by Mr
Crocker, and Mr Crispin.  I hope your presence doesn't lead to

Remember, this list elected to let non-members join.  We discussed it
prior to the joining of non-members.  That decision can be revisted if
the result continues to lead to non-productivity.

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

"Let the people think they govern and they will be governed."
- William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania

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