Esther did you mean to send that out to a couple of public mailing
lists or was that a late night slip of the finger that was supposed
to go to Jay only ?

At 10:08 PM 6/13/99 -0400, Esther Dyson wrote:
>Jay -
>What made you stop consulting for NSI? 
>Esther Dyson
>At 06:25 PM 13/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>Hi Antony,
>>For the most part, we agree.
>>There are, however, a couple of points
>>I would like to comment on.
>>Since you have addressed this email to me, 
>>you seem to be implying that I am no longer 
>>an independent voice.  Nothing could be further 
>>from the truth.
>>Even when I was consulting for NSI (which ended 
>>with the Berlin meeting), I was not paid to be a
>>"NSI Supporter."  My role was to give NSI my views 
>>on this fiasco, not the other way around!  
>>And while we agree that NSI has done some things
>>wrong, I don't persecute them for any original sin 
>>(i.e. wild success with a competitive .com registry).
>>Where we strongly disagree, however, is with the
>>cure.  The real solution to this dilemma is a healthy
>>dose of competition for NSI, not top-heavy regulation.
>>For if you choose the latter, you subject everyone to
>>those powerful forces who would love to control this
>>wonderful thing we call the Internet.
>>Jay Fenello
>>President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
>>What's your .per(sm)? 
>>P.S.  Please forward this to the DNSO list.  I 
>>believe that I have been involuntarily removed!
>>At 04:16 PM 6/13/99 , Antony Van Couvering wrote:
>>>Don, Jay,
>>>Given the breathtakingly brazen stunts that NSI has pulled at the expense of
>>>the Internet community, I never thought it would be possible for ICANN to
>>>make them look like the aggrieved party.  But lo, it has come to pass.
>>>This is getting sickening.  I've never seen so many people who were
>>>completely right and never wrong as I've seen on these lists.  Are there any
>>>independent voices out there?
>>>Who can really feel sorry for NSI after all the crap they've pulled?
>>>Practically no-one, I should think, except their employees.  But who can
>>>support ICANN when they start censoring people?  Even fewer (since they have
>>>fewer employees).
>>>Will the people from the IAHC/gTLD-MoU (and remember, I was founding Chair
>>>of PAB and spent a lot of time and effort to make that effort succeed), who
>>>now seem to all think that ICANN is a conclave of the purest wisest Solomons
>>>ever assembled, presumably because they are at present bashing NSI, never
>>>realize that:
>>>*The POC was a closed shop, a black box, unreadable and unknowable from the
>>>outside, intransigent against efforts to open it up and see the
>>>decision-making process
>>>*Making everyone sign the gTLD-MoU before they got to play was an horrific
>>>miscue and an affront to Internet stakeholders (hence my attempt to
>>>introduce a very watered-down "gTLD-MoU lite", consisting of a few
>>>unobjectionable principles - alas, to no effect).
>>>*If the POC hadn't forced CORE to charge $10K to anyone who wanted to become
>>>a registrar, which was done just to make sure that "unstable" people didn't
>>>join, but instead had charged, say, $500, like Nominet does in the UK, we
>>>wouldn't have had the Green Paper, the White Paper, or the ICANN, which is
>>>starting to act just like POC, but with less excuse since they have already
>>>seen that kind of thing fail.
>>>*Basically, NSI did try to torpedo the gTLD-MoU, but that's not why it
>>>failed.  It failed because it was so bloody-mindedly stupid, and so paranoid
>>>about NSI that it started to act like NSI: paranoid, unaccountable,
>>>*That it's just possible that NSI doesn't realize how horribly they've
>>>treated everyone, that they actually think they're the good guys, and that
>>>therefore they should be encouraged to become part of the community and stop
>>>playing the spoiler.
>>>*That the POC has mostly itself to blame for the Green Paper and the White
>>>Paper and the plodding interference of the U.S. Government.  Do you think
>>>Magaziner *wanted* to step into this minefield?  All you had to do was let a
>>>few other people play with the ball, but you couldn't let yourself do it.
>>>Will the people who are NSI supporters - and most of them now admit they are
>>>paid - stop acting the fool and admit that:
>>>*Of course NSI did all it could to torpedo the gTLD-MoU, just as it is now
>>>dragging its heels to fullest possible extent with ICANN.
>>>*The only reason NSI plays at all in this sandbox is because the only
>>>gorilla larger than it, the US Govt., is standing over it with a big stick.
>>>*That having secret lists of names they won't register, that not following
>>>the RFCs, that greeting every domain-name dispute with an army of lawyers,
>>>that charging the equivalent of a new registration to transfer a name to new
>>>registrar, that attempting to claim the whois database as their property,
>>>that replacing the InterNIC site without any warning, that crippling whois
>>>listings without any warning, and so on ad nauseum until we're all so sick
>>>of it we can hardly breathe, IS NOT ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR.
>>>*That NSI has mostly itself to blame for the Green Paper and the White Paper
>>>and the plodding interference of the U.S. Govt.  Again, do you think that
>>>Magaziner wanted to get in the middle of this thing?  I know, because I was
>>>there, that almost any movement toward an accommodation with the gTLD-MoU
>>>would have led to negotiations that might have got us somewhere.  But no.
>>>Given .com years ago, in a different universe far far away, NSI has latched
>>>on to it as if they actually earned it, which is truly laughable.
>>>And so Adult Supervision was definitely indicated.  Hence the involvement of
>>>the U.S. Government.  Unfortunately for all of us, the supervision, in the
>>>form of ICANN, is proving to be as puerile and short-sighted as their
>>>This was the Internet, this beautiful gift to us all, and just look at the
>>>preposterous games these fools are playing with it, all these fools who are
>>>always right, all the time.
>>Jay Fenello
>>President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
>>What's your .per(sm)? 
>Esther Dyson                   Always make new mistakes!
>chairman, EDventure Holdings
>interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
>1 (212) 924-8800
>1 (212) 924-0240 fax
>104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
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>High-Tech Forum in Europe:  24 to 26 October 1999, Budapest
>PC Forum: March 12 to 15, 2000, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona 
>Book:  "Release 2.0: A design for living in the digital age" 
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