Kerry Miller wrote;
> Jeff,
> > >  I trust the contrast to conventional rant is clear. One does
> not start
> > > with the grounds and somehow try to 'convince' by browbeating or
> > > bullshit or specious argument that 'therefore' someone else 'must'
> > > agree.
> >
> >   Agreed, one must look at the relevant facts in evidence past and
> > present and than make a determination.  Once that determination is
> > made on an individual basis, than one should have the opportunity
> > to VOTE.  This in the US constitution is the meaning of "We hold these
> > truths to be self evident"...
> The Constitution however did not posit *all truths to be self-evident -
> or, more generally, that all the 'relevant facts' were going to be
> visible to any one person. <...>

Actually, the phrase in question doesn't even appear in the Constitution.
It's from the Declaration of Independence.

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