Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> At 08:17 AM 6/16/99 -0500, John B. Reynolds wrote:
> >
> >Now the IDNO has moved from contemplating the removal of certain
> >from its mailing list to expulsion of members who criticize its actions
> >based on the whim of its chair.  The IDNO evidently no longer seeks to
> >represent all individual domain holders, just those who share a
> >point of view.
> According to the ICANN bylaws:
>   a)  Each Constituency shall self-organize, and shall determine its own
criteria for
>   participation, except that no individual or entity shall be excluded
from participation in a
>   Constituency merely because of participation in another Constituency,
and constituencies
>   shall operate to the maximum extent feasible in an open and transparent
manner and
>   consistent with procedures designed to ensure fairness.  The Board shall
recognize a
>   Constituency (including the initial Constituencies described in (b)
below) by a majority vote,
>   whereby the Constituency shall be deemed to exist for purposes of these
> As you can see, a constituency is allowed to determine it's own criteria
> membership according to the bylaws. If you don't like this get it changed,
> but don't complain because poeple are followinf the bylaws. That's more
> the ICANN board is doing [1].

And if ICANN doesnt't like a constituency's membership criteria, it can
refuse to recognize it.  Somehow, I don't think ICANN will consider "Joop
Teernstra can expel members at will" an acceptable criterion.

> If they announce crock'n'crispy aren't welcome, that's pretty open and

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