On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, John B. Reynolds wrote:

> FWIW, I agree with Karl that an individual domain holders' constituency is
> needed - I just no longer believe that the IDNO effort as currently
> structured is the appropriate vehicle for their representation.  The
> practical effect of Kent's proposal would be to give those who qualify for
> an existing constituency two or more votes for the Names Council and
> everyone else one.  It does not take into account that individual domain
> holders are generally the DNS stakeholders who have the fewest resources to
> defend themselves, and consequently the most to lose.  Their interests need
> specific representation.

They are also the ones being asked to foot the bill for ICANN, without any
representation whatsoever at present. 

I'd say I found that odd, but it really makes perfect sense. 

Patrick Greenwell                Telocity              http://www.telocity.com
(408) 863-6617 v                  (tinc)               (408) 777-1451 f

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