On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 03:22:56PM -0400, Craig McTaggart wrote:

> Isn't this kind of like saying that users are free to use any PC operating
> system they like?  Or manufacturers are free to market any kind of 'video
> cassette recorder' they like?  Is it accurate to say that the IANA root has
> reached the same level of de facto standard-ness as Windows and VHS?

Not really.  .com/.net/.org were a monopoly to start with, so the 
de facto standard-ness is much greater.

>  Isn't
> the US DoJ going after Microsoft partly because its operating system is in
> the nature of essential infrastructure in the PC world?

Indeed.  And this is precisely why DoJ, DG-IV, and so on sould go
after ICANN if ICANN does anything bad.

> It sucks, but the com/net/org domains have become what the public thinks of
> as the Internet.  It's stupid, and there is absolutely no technical, legal
> or logical reason for it, but it's a fact.  I personally think there should
> be tons of TLDs to get rid of the artificial scarcity of com/net/org names
> that NSI has exploited so shamelessly (or brilliantly, depending on your
> perspective), but it's going to be tough to break .com's hold.

Yes, especially since NSI is doing everything it can to torpedo
ICANN.  Without ICANN there is no realistic way to get new TLDs in 
the IANA root, not for years to come.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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