

>4.      Revocation.  We will suspend, revoke, transfer or otherwise modify Domain
>Name registrations in the following circumstances;
>d.      an order from a legislative or administrative body, including the Internet
>Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") requiring us to do so;
>f.      for any reason in our sole discretion, upon ten (10) calendar days prior
>written notice.


Is this reasonable ?


>3.      Your Representations.  By applying to register for a Domain Name, or by
>asking us to administer or renew a Domain Name registration, you hereby
>represent to us that (a) the then-current statements that you made in your
>Registration Agreement are complete and accurate; (b) to the best of your
>knowledge, the registration of the Domain Name will not interfere with,
>infringe upon or otherwise violate the rights of any third party anywhere in
>the world; (c) you are not registering the Domain Name for an unlawful
>purpose; and (d) you will not use the Domain Name unlawfully. 

Which laws? Did I mis the jurisdiction here?

Canada has hate-crime laws. While hitleryouth.com may work in the US
it might not work in Canada.


Will any of this actually do any good ? Say I register a domain
through AOL and sombody disutes it. I transfer it to another registrar
who has a more permissive policy. AFAIK, this is nothing to prevent
me from being able to stop this.


>9.      Payment of Fees During a Dispute Proceeding.  You are responsible to pay
>all registration, administration, renewal and other fees that we may impose
>from time to time during the pendency of any Domain Name Arbitration,
>litigation or other proceeding regarding your Domain Name, even if you have
>been ordered not to use the Domain Name during that time.

"all costs"

>7.      All Other Disputes and Litigations.  Disputes between you and any third
>party regarding your Domain Name that are not subject to the mandatory
>arbitration provisions of Paragraph 5 shall be resolved between you and such
>third party.  We shall have no obligation to, nor shall we, participate in any
>such dispute in any way, except as provided in Paragraph 7.  You hereby agree
>that you shall not name us as a party to such proceeding.  In the event that
>we are named as a party in any such proceeding, we reserve the right to raise
>any and all defenses deemed appropriate, and to take any other action
>necessary to defend ourselves, regardless of the terms of this Policy.
>8.      Deposit of Registry Certificate.  In the event of a litigation or
>arbitration concerning your Domain Name, we will, at your request or at the
>request of a complainant, deposit control of the Domain Name registration into
>the registry of a court or arbitration panel where an action is pending
>concerning the Domain Name.  We will do this solely by supplying you or the
>complainant with a registry certificate for the Domain Name for deposit with
>the court or arbitrator(s). You agree to reimburse us for all costs that we
>incur in connection with any actions that we take pursuant to this paragraph

>From para 11:

>In the event that you object to a change in this Policy your
>sole remedy is to abandon or transfer your Domain Name registration to another
>registrar, provided that in the event of such transfer, you will not be
>entitled to a refund of any fees you paid to us.  The revised Policy will
>apply to you until you transfer your Domain Name registration.

Sounds onerous.

If it's any consolation, it's fun to see AOL begging:

>Please note that AOL and register.com have paid for the creation of this 
>draft policy without any contribution from any other registrar.  Since we are 
>opening up this work product to solicit your feedback with the goal of 
>developing a policy that will be acceptable to and uniformly adopted by all 
>of the registrars, we are asking that all participating registrars contribute 
>to the work Skadden will undertake going forward to review and incorporate 
>your respective comments.  We are asking that each registrar who submits 
>comments or who expects to adopt the policy that is being created, contribute 
>$1,000 towards this effort.  Payments should be payable to America Online, 
>Inc. and sent to Jim Bramson, America Online, Inc., 22000 AOL Way, Dulles, VA 
>20166.  Once the project is completed, if the registrars have collectively 
>contributed more than necessary to cover Skadden's bills, we will provide pro 
>rata reimbursements, or at the contributors' request, donate the excess funds 
>to the Registrar Constituency.

"They were of a mind to govern us and we were of a mind to govern ourselves."

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