
Your reactionary tone must mean I have hit a nerve.

Are you seriously stating the position that you feel this letter IS the
view of the Internet community?  I merely state the truth, then offer
groups on all sides of the issue.

Would you prefer a more narrow approach, Bill?

At 07:41 PM 7/11/99 -0700, you wrote:
>At 10:24 PM 7/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>Mr. Ayoob,
>>The attached letter does not represent the sentiments of the vast majority
>>of the Internet community.  Indeed, it is contrary to those sentiments.
>Come off it, please.  Everybody seems to want to announce to the world
>the sentiments of the "vast majority" on the Internet.  Without regard to 
>this particular issue, these expressions sound as the very echo of the
>claims of ICANN to have discovered the Holy Grail, i.e., "consensus."  If
>we would speak for ourselves, and for those whom we know exactly are in
>agreement with us, we could have a debate here rather than this kind of
>lobbying in which he who shouts the loudest and knows the greatest
>number of acronyms supposedly comes out the winner, without regard
>to the merits of anything.
>(Um, that "CORE" bit now: is that the "Congress Of Racial Equality?"
>If so, I am pleased to see them "at the front of the line," but I would not
>have expected that organization to have indulged in such hype.)
>Bill Lovell
>>The issues comnfronting ICANN, NTIA, CORE and NSI (among other
>>organizations) is far beyond the scope of this memo, and I will not attempt
>>to summarize it here.  Suffice it to say that many special interests are at
>>play (including, near the front of the line, CORE).
Gene Marsh
president, anycastNET Incorporated

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