At 12:53 PM 7/13/99 , Craig McTaggart wrote:

describes as ICANN making itself into an "International government for the
Internet" is precisely what this whole process has been about: basing IANA's
functions in an internationally-recognized, authoritative, stable,
non-governmental body.

There is an incredible range of options within those general
specifications.  The "good NewCo" was that specified
in the White Paper.  ICANN has emerged as the antithesis.

Maybe this is inevitable when you move to a non-profit
(government or private sector) orientation - only in
the non-profit world you have fewer safeguards.  Clearly
what we have here is little more than the gTLD-MoU
regime moved from Geneva and the ITU to California and
ICANN.  The players, religion, and methods are all
pretty much the same.


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