At 04:36 PM 7/13/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Ronda Hauben wrote:
>> Greg Skinner wrote:
>> >Now, on the other hand, it may not be very well known that consumers
>> >have choices, or that there might be reasons why they should exercise
>> Have you ever thought that maybe people online aren't "consumers"
>> but users and they don't want "choices" they want some say over
>> who is determining what they should have "choices" over?
>When I wrote 'consumers' I was thinking of individuals, and yes, they
>should have some say over who is determining what choices they have.
>However, as far as this specific thread goes (what choices do users
>have as far as getting DNS service), it seems to me that ICANN has little
>actual authority.  Also, Mike Roberts has been honest; he has made public
>statements to the effect that individuals can take their DNS service from
>elsewhere if they wish.

Is that then the final step in the process by which the WWW, as first 
adopted from the scientific, academic and military communities by 
individuals, commencing with circumstances under which commercial 
operations were not even allowed, will have been taken over entirely by 
the business/commercial community and the individual is shown the 

Bill Lovell

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