At 09:34 AM 7/14/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Bill Lovell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Greg Skinner wrote:
>>> When I wrote 'consumers' I was thinking of individuals, and yes, they
>>> should have some say over who is determining what choices they have.
>>> However, as far as this specific thread goes (what choices do users
>>> have as far as getting DNS service), it seems to me that ICANN has little
>>> actual authority.  Also, Mike Roberts has been honest; he has made public
>>> statements to the effect that individuals can take their DNS service from
>>> elsewhere if they wish.
>> Is that then the final step in the process by which the WWW, as first 
>> adopted from the scientific, academic and military communities by 
>> individuals, commencing with circumstances under which commercial 
>> operations were not even allowed, will have been taken over entirely by 
>> the business/commercial community and the individual is shown the 
>> door?
>Why don't you ask Mike Roberts?  It's him, not me, who is not recognizing
>new TLDs.  Or better still, ask the multitude of ISPs, NAPs, unversity
>computing departments, independent hackers, etc., why they don't point
>their DNS servers at the alternative roots.  They are the ones who are
>determining what domain names are visible.

Um, I believe that's what this kind of list does, doesn't it? Ask everyone
who's signed on to it?

Bill Lovell

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