Gordon Cook wrote:
> here is the private message I sent vint cerf on friday may 14 before
> dawn us time and written in st petersburg Russia before dawn US time
> -- I never received a response.

<big snip>

> Sondow's choice of language when he attacked you for your internet 
> for everyone RFC was very poor, but if you take your statement the 
> internet is for everyone and the reality of the icann imperial 
> regime, the juxtaposition of the two shrieks with hypocracy.

The bit about hypocrisy is alright, Gordon, but as for the rest... I
invite everyone to judge my choice of language, which admittedly is
colorful, perhaps even somewhat exaggerated to good effect, but
which cannot be accused of being "poor". The full texts of my
responses to Mr. Cerf's message and his feeble attempts at rebuttal
are reproduced below.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

Cerf uses RFC draft format for making speeches and ISOC propaganda

From: Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies To: "vinton g. cerf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 15:59:36 -0400

Vint Cerf sinks to new depths of dishonesty and manipulation by
using - and abusing - the format of the IETF RFC draft for making
demagogic personal speeches to spread ISOC lies:

> Informational Comment
> Vint Cerf
> Internet Draft
> Internet Society
> Document: draft-isoc-internet-for-everyone-00.txt
> April 1999
> Category: Informational
> The Internet is for Everyone
> Status of this Memo
> This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
> all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1]. Internet-Drafts are
> working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its
> areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also
> distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are
> draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be
> updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It
> is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to
> cite them other than as "work in progress."
> The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
> http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt
> The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
> http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
> 1. Abstract
> The Internet really is for everyone. However, it will only be such
> if we make it so.
> 2. The Internet is for everyone
> The Internet is for everyone!
> How easy to say -  how hard to achieve!
> Where are we in achieving this noble objective?

Nowhere, Mr. Cerf, so long as you and ISOC continue to trick people
into thinking that you have the interests of everyone at heart, when
the truth is that you're only interested in yourself and your
buddies on the ISOC board.

> The Internet can facilitate democratic practices in unexpected ways.
> Did you know that proxy voting for stock shareholders is now
> commonly supported on the Internet?

So why didn't you let the ISOC members in Latin America and
elsewhere, who were unable to vote because you didn't send them
ballots, vote via the Internet for their candidates?

> The Internet is becoming the repository of all we have accomplished
> as a society. It is becoming a kind of disorganized Boswell of the
> human spirit. Be thoughtful in what you commit to email, news
> groups, and other media - it may well turn up in a web search some
> day.

You should have thought of that before you sent this paean to your
own godliness, cloaked as an Internet draft. The future web
searchers will have a good laugh.

> The Internet is moving off the planet! Already, interplanetary
> Internet is part of the NASA Mars mission program now underway at
> the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. By 2008 we should have a well-
> functioning Earth-Mars network that serves as a nascent backbone of
> an interplanetary system of Internets - InterPlaNet is a network of
> Internets! Ultimately, we will have interplanetary Internet relays
> in polar solar orbit so that they can see most of the planets and
> their interplanetary gateways for most if not all of the time.

ISOC, government of the Universe! Vint Cerf, ruler of space!

> The Internet is for everyone - but it won't be if it isn't
> affordable by all that wish to partake of its services, so we must
> dedicate ourselves to making Internet as affordable as other
> infrastructure so critical to our well being.

You unmitigated hypocrite. You say this, when you and your fake
organization are supporting CORE, the INTA, the ITU, and ICANN

> The Internet is for everyone, - but it won't be if Governments
> restrict access to it

No government restriction. Only regulation and restriction by ISOC.

> so we must dedicate ourselves to keeping the
> network unrestricted, unfettered and unregulated. We must have the
> freedom to speak and the freedom to hear.

Who is this "we", Mr. Cerf? You and Don Heath?

> Let us dedicate ourselves to the support of the Internet
> Architecture Board, the Internet Engineering Steering Group, the
> Internet Research Task Force and the Internet Engineering Task Force
> as they drive us forward into an unbounded future.

Unbounded, that is, except by the draconian, anti-user regulation of
ICANN and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

> Let us dedicate ourselves to the creation of a
> global legal framework in which laws work across national boundaries
> to reinforce the upward spiral of value that Internet is capable of
> creating.

And make ISOC rich, by creating a world government that puts money
into ISOC's coffers via the ISOC-controlled ICANN regulator.

Re: Cerf uses RFC draft format for making speeches and ISOC

From: Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vinton g. cerf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 23:31:35 -0400

vinton g. cerf wrote:
> You are welcome to your opinion, Mr. Sondow. Kindly let others
> read the entire document and decide for themselves.

They read the entire fraudulent document when it was posted. I chose
the salient points for indicating the unspoken subtext, as is my
right and my habit as a debunker of self-serving and insidious
From: Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "vinton g. cerf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 18:52:53 -0400

vinton g. cerf wrote:
> i see there was a small typo in your note
> At 11:31 PM 5/13/99 -0400, Michael Sondow wrote:
> >vinton g. cerf a écrit:
> >>
> >> You are welcome to your opinion, Mr. Sondow. Kindly let others
> >> read the entire document and decide for themselves.
> >
> >They read the entire fraudulent document when it was posted. I chose
> >the salient points for indicating the unspoken subtext, as is my
> >right and my habit as a
> producer
> >of self-serving and insidious
> >claptrap.

Mr. Cerf, this is the childish retort of someone who has been found
out, in the manner of "You're another" or "It takes one to know
one", as used by grade school children. Not what one would expect
from the father of the Internet. Or is it?

People will judge for themselves which is claptrap and which an
honest debunking. It is not I who has written sixteen times "the
Internet is for everyone" and then stated that their purpose is to
"reinforce the upward spiral of value", this latter evidently your
true purpose and clearly deriving from your identification with the
special-interest sector of big business e-commerce, quite
antithetical to the populist public-interest rhetoric of your
speech's title. 

Anyone who knows a little psychology will realize at once that you
have repeated and insisted ad infinitum that "the Internet is for
everyone" because you don't believe it and so are compelled to
repeat it again and again in a transparent and pathetic attempt to
convince your listeners and yourself. That is, a compensatory
mechanism for what is the truth, the inadmissible truth, which is
that you don't want the Internet to be for everyone, that you
believe yourself to be part of an elite, one that has been made
wealthy and powerful by the exploitation of a public service, and
that you intend to parlay your position into ever greater wealth and

As to your pretensions to interplanetary (why not intergalactic?)
networking, the fact that you would allow yourself to state such
patent looniness in public shows that you have become, to put it
mildly, somewhat less than a reliable witness. Further and
conclusive evidence of this is the unreserved support that 
your organization lends to a dishonest and undemocratic process: 
the supplanting of an Internet community-created NewCo by a usurping 
group of liars calling themselves the ICANN interim board, their 
attorney, the perjurer Sims, and their protector, the feckless and 
ambitious Burr. Your credibility and that of your organization have 
gone down with that of these charlatans. As the Spanish say, "If you 
lie down with swine, you get up smelling of pig."

You will console yourself, no doubt, with the thought that what you
have created you may destroy, much like a real father whose children
rebel against him for having become conservative with advancing age
and who curses the product of his seed. It will be their chore to
take from you the patrimony that you are in danger, in your dotage,
of squandering. Unless by some happy chance you awaken in time.

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