Richard J. Sexton a écrit:

> I think the thing that I missed from yesterdats hearing as eveyrbody
> spoke much and said little was a 90 second statement *somebody* should
> have made that might have gone like this:
> "Hello. The Internet self organizes. That's what it does, and
> why it's so big, successful and robust.
> The Internet community began self organizing to create new top
> level domains a few years ago and was torpedod by IAHC.
> Then, after incentive and support by the US Government, it began
> self organzing again with the IFWP process. This was torpeod
> by the ICANN; many of the players were the same ones that were
> in fialed IAHC attempt.
> The Internet is still self organizing, and is currently routing
> around the centralist damage; the people with servers have
> had enough and have gone back to work on infrastructure; no
> more talk.
> Thank you"

Another thing that was missed in the hearing was the voice of the
"clueless end-user". Eric Link, the organizer of the hearing,
refused to let me speak, or any of the other spokesmen for the
end-users that I proposed. If I'd been allowed to say my piece, I
would have said:

"As far as I'm concerned, and all the others like me agree, we'd
rather pay NSI $35 with no strings attached than pay an ICANN
registrar $15 and have to sign that insane anti-user contract that
ICANN has imposed as part of the Regisrar Accreditation Policy. What
good is saving fifteen dollars a year, if I have to sign away all my
constitutional rights, accept liability for other people's lawsuits,
and agree to have my domain name taken away from me with cause?
Hell, NSI was bad enough. But not this! No!!!!!"

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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