Saturday, July 31, 1999, 9:21:43 AM, Mark C. Langston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Apparently Paul Vixie sent mail to a mailing list of RBL subscribers and
> interested 3rd parties, is seriously considering blackholing NSI for
> spamming its customer base.

> I don't want to get into whether the RBL is a good or bad thing.  I've
> used and recommended it in the past, and I understand Paul's position
> on UCE.  

> However, given how NSI manages its registry, and given the number of
> systems subscribed to the RBL, this would have an...interesting impact
> on NSI's ability to continue to do business.

> (I apologize for the formatting.  The copy I saw was all one huge 
> run-on line.)

> Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 16:02:14 -0700 
> From: Paul A Vixie 
> Subject: possible RBL event coming up involving NSI
> ------- 
> Blind-Carbon-Copy To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Subject: possible RBL event coming up involving NSI 
> Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 16:02:14 -0700 
> From: Paul A Vixie 

> You are receiving this because you are either an interested outsider,
> or a staff member or volunteer, or a customer of M.A.P.S., LLC. Note
> our new domain name, (The old domain name
> gave some the false impression that MAPS was not a separate company.)
> Today we received the letter below from NSI in response to our
> repeated attempts to get them to stop sending unsolicited bulk
> commercial e-mail to all domain holders. In this letter, NSI implies
> that they will sue us for damages and incite entities like
> to do likewise if we decide to blackhole them, and then go on to say
> that they have no intention of stopping the current business practice
> of these which caused our complaints. They are pretty much daring us
> to blackhole them. The board of MAPS, LLC will make its final
> determination in the next few days, and if we do decide to blackhole
> NSI it's going to get ugly. As an interested party, we want you all to
> know what's happening. 

I hope he does it, and I hope they sue.  Its time to end the tyrrany
of fear this group has been operating.

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

The Law is not your mommy or daddy to go crying
to every time you have something to whimper about.

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