At 08:46 PM 8/1/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Ms. Burr,
>That was hardly very helpful.  When did you receive the proposal? 
>Where is the text?  Or does it have to be FOIAed?  When will you 
>complete your review and reach a decision?  Why don't you answer 
>Dan's question?  Are we to infer that in your opinion these servers 
>have no influence on internet stability?

Ms. Burr,

I would further add that NTIA/DOC is perhaps not the best judge of the
impact of new/additional TLD servers on the operation of the Internet.  Is
there any plan to coordinate the input of those who DO have a more thorough
understanding of that impact?

Gene Marsh

>>Mr. Steinberg,
>>The Department of Commerce is currently reviewing a proposal by
>>Network Solutions related to TLD servers.  This proposal is referenced
>>in our letter to Chairman Bliley, posted at
>>Becky Burr
>> >>> Dan Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/01 6:24 PM >>>
>>Ms. Burr,
>>I have been informed that recently NSI requested permission
>>to deploy additional TLD servers for enhanced stability.  I
>>was further informed that you denied their request to make
>>changes to the root zone that would render these servers
>>Can you confirm that these events did occur, and if so,
>>why the requests to make changes that would enhance the
>>stablity of the internet were denied?
>>Dan Steinberg
>>SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology
>>35, du Ravin
>>Box 532, RR1          phone: (613) 794-5356
>>Chelsea, Quebec               fax:   (819) 827-4398
>>J0X 1N0                       e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The COOK Report on Internet            Index to seven years of the COOK
>431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA
>(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)           The only Good ICANN is a Dead ICANN
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    What's Behind ICANN and How it Will
>Impact the Future of the Internet
Gene Marsh
president, anycastNET Incorporated

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