Becky Burr wrote:
> The Department of Commerce is currently reviewing a proposal by
> Network Solutions related to TLD servers.  This proposal is referenced
> in our letter to Chairman Bliley, posted at

Beckwith Burr, did you know that Joe Sims has been colluding with
the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice to use the
antitrust laws to put pressure on NSI to capitulate to you and CORE
and IBM, and at the same time to keep ICANN from being charged with
the very violations it is unjustly levelling at NSI?

Have you also been colluding with the DOJ and ICANN?

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

> >>> Dan Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/01 6:24 PM >>>
> Ms. Burr,
> I have been informed that recently NSI requested permission
> to deploy additional TLD servers for enhanced stability.  I
> was further informed that you denied their request to make
> changes to the root zone that would render these servers
> operational.
> Can you confirm that these events did occur, and if so,
> why the requests to make changes that would enhance the
> stablity of the internet were denied?

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