

Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208


  The following I am forwarding as spokesman for INEGroup.

INEGRoup's Response and vote to proposed Amendments to ICANN Bylaws

With respect to: "RESOLVED, that Section 2(a) of Article VI-B Amendment"

  INEGRoup is not in favor of this amendment as currently drafted.

  The Vote was as follows:    IN Favor: 14%  Not In Favor:79% Abstain: 7%

 Reasoning:  The proposed amendment resolution to section 2(a) of
                      article VI-B is insufficient to adequately be representative
                       of the stakeholders in that it allows for an unelected
                       ICANN (Initial?) Interim board to make this determination,
                       and therefore is a disenfranchisement of the Stakeholders
                       as outlined in the White Paper.  Hence we find this Proposed
                       amendment in violation of such.

Alternative to this Proposed Amendment:

RESOLVED, that Section 2(a) of Article VI-B
"The NC shall consist of representatives, selected in accordance
          with Section 3(c) of this Article, from each Constituency recognized
          by the Board pursuant to the criteria set forth in Section 3 of this
          Article. Any dispute about whether any such representative is a
          proper member of the NC shall be resolved by, or at the direction of,
          and independently and randomly selected group of stakeholders
          that are ICANN voting members.  And that their determination by
          simple majority vote shall be final, and adopted by the board


With respect to: "RESOLVED, that Section 3(c) of Article VI-B of the Bylaws"

The vote was as follows:  In Favor: 16%  Not In Favor:77% Abstain: 7%


  The proposed amendment resolution to Section 3(c) of Article VI-B of the Bylaws
allows for more than is reasonable influence on potential policies without
those that do not fit into any of the current ICANN requirements for
constituencies and therefore is effecting disenfranchisement of large
sectors of the Stakeholders.  This would also seem to be in contrast
with the spirit and word of the White Paper.

Alternative to this Proposed Amendment:

 "Each Constituency shall select two individuals to represent
that Constituency on the NC, no two of which may be, except with
the consent of the ICANN Membership by majority vote, residents
of the same Geographic Region, as defined in Article V,
Section 6.  The remaining additional seat shall be elected
"At Large" by  the DNSO General Assembly (GA).  Notwithstanding
 the foregoing, no Constituency may  have more representatives on
 the NC  than there are members of the Constituency.
 Nominations within each Constituency may be made by any member
of the Constituency, any member may make more than one
nomination in any single Constituency."


With respect to: RESOLVED, that Section 2(f) of Article VI-B of the Bylaws

The vote was as follows:  In Favor: 9%  Not In Favor: 84% Abstain: 7%

Reasoning:  The proposed amendment, "that Section 2(f) of Article VI-B of the
                     Bylaws", is not in the interest of the stakeholders or the
                     constituencies, and also not in sprit or in word, compliant
                     with the general requirements of the White Paper.  Allows for
                     for the board to have too much influence over the constituencies
                     elected members of the NC.  Further, that the term of office
                     for any NC member is too long in terms of the rapidly changing
                     environment of the internet itself.

Alternitive to this Proposed Amendment:

  "Unless shortened by Majority vote of the ICANN Membership by request of the specific NC representative or by a special resolution proposed by the constituency in behalf of those members of the constituency in question,
and in compliance with that constituencies charter,  the term of office for
each member of the NC shall be one year, subject to earlier removal by the Constituency that selected such member or by a simple majority vote of all members of the DNSO General assembly, by simple majority vote.


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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