
I've just noticed that there is an error on the icann web site.  A serious
error that was not there a few days ago.  The problem is with a link from
icann to http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/berlin/archive/

On that page the link to the DNSO General Assembly: RealVideo Archive:
contains two links, one for "Reports from Constituency Groups", and 
another for "Discussion".

Compare the "Discussion" URL to the GAC Open Meeting: "RealVideo Archive"
URL.  Notice they are the exact same URL - i.e. ipso facto - someone made
an editing booboo.  I think someone must of updated the logo and probably
cut and pasted wrong.


the correct URL is


Maybe ICANN should do a webmaster competition.  I'm sure there are lots of
webmasters who would upgrade the site and make it more userfriendly just
for the exposure.  ICANN must get some web traffic to justify it.  These
days - it's all marketing - so you gota put your best foot out at all

Jeff Mason

Planet Communication & Computing Facility           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Access Internet Research Publisher           1 (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 03:14:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: gac ram tooney error


It's been brought to my attention that the ICANN site was edited - my
concern is with


Notice the link to the DNSO General Assembly: RealVideo Archive:  There
are two link there, one for "Reports from Constituency Groups", and
another for "Discussion".

Compare the "Discussion" URL to the GAC Open Meeting: "RealVideo Archive"
URL.  Notice they are the exact same URL - i.e.


I'll put the correct URL's on p1.intra.  Tell ICANN to fix this.  I
noticed they updated their logo, so this is obviously an editing error.
Make sure they know we understand that.  Are they still yelling at each
other?  Voice tommorrow.

J. Baptista                     Planet Communications & Computing Facility
                                Voice/Fax (212) 894-3704 ext. 1033      

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