On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
> Did you read the article?
Indeed I did.
> If you were talking about brown.com (or even williebrown.com in another
> context) I might agree with you except the article states that the names
> taken were:
> "williebrown.com, williebrownjr.com, damayor.com, frankjordan.com,
> jordanformayor.com -- and even williesucks.com -- are registered to Hasse
> Inc., owned by one Andy Hasse"
> so this is how someone can cybersquat on a common name. The defenses of a
> hypothetical innocent person are not available to this non-hypothetical
> person who clearly targeted Mayor Brown (unless you can come up with
> another Willie Brown Jr. who is known as damayor).
Please explain to me why Willie Brown, the mayor has superior rights to
the domain name "williebrown.com" or any of the other character strings
I'd also love to hear your definition of "cybersquatter."
Patrick Greenwell
"This is our time. It will not come again."