Nii and all,

  The following are copies of the two applications to the NCDNHC that I
am aware of:

===================  First copy starts here =====================

         Fri, 13 Aug 1999 17:11:46 +0100
         "Mohammed-Sani Abdulai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         "Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency Discussion List"

Draft June 30, 1999


The Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency has a special place in
the DNSO. The NCDNHC is intended to be independent of commercial interests.
Its members will be those organizations whose uses and applications of the
Internet are primarily non-commercial. Its purpose is to support
non-commercial speech and activity on the Internet, to protect the rights
of non-commercial domain name holders, and to forge together the interests
of non-commercial domain name holders. NCDNHC must provide the voice and
representation for organizations that serve non-commercial interests and
provide services such as community organizing, promotion of the arts,
children's welfare, religion, education, scientific research, human rights
and the advancement of the Internet as a global communications system
available to all segments of society. The interests of such organizations
are not necessarily represented by the other constituencies of the DNSO and
deserve to be represented in the NCDNHC.


     The NCDNHC represents a large and heterogenous group of
organizations, many of whom are not yet aware of the ICANN, its processes,
and their impact.  It is crucial to the success of the constituency that it
be operated in an open manner which will encourage new organizations
meeting the membership criteria to join and participate.

It is also important that those within the constituency have the
opportunity to learn about a member, any possible conflicts the member
might have, and the position and title of the person designated to
represent the member.

Please provide the following information in order to participate in
the Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency of the Domain Name
Supporting Organization of ICANN.

A.  Basic Information for Organization

     1.  What is the name of your Organization?

        Centre for Information and Communication Technology

      2.   Is the Organization a member of any other constituency in the
            Domain Name Supporting Organization of ICANN?


     3.   What is the major domain name of the Organization?


     4.  Does the Organization have a website and if so, would you provide
        the URL?

B.  Contact information for Representative of Organization

      1. What is your name and title with the Organization?

            Mohammed-Sani Abdulai - Director

     2.  How can other representatives reach you? (email, telephone, fax

            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     3.  How is it that you have come to represent the Organization in
          this Constituency?  (Please furnish appropriate indication that the
          has authorized your participation, for example, vote of membership,
vote of
            directors, action by officer(s) or consensus of members.)

            Consensus of members

     4.   Are there other representatives from your Organization who will
            be participating in this Constituency?  Is so, who is authorized to
vote on
            behalf of the Organization?

            Yes - Dr. Nii Quaynor, Patron

            Person authorized to vote is: Mohammed-Sani Abdulai

================End of first copy =======================

The second application I have seem posted:

==================  Second copy starts here ===================

         Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:00:02 -0000
         "Dr. Nii N. Quaynor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
         "Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency Discussion List"

A.  Basic Information for Organization

     1.  What is the name of your Organization?

    Internet Society of Ghana

      2.   Is the Organization a member of any other constituency in the
Domain Name             Supporting Organization of ICANN? NO

     3.   What is the major domain name of the Organization?

     4.  Does the Organization have a website and if so, would you provide
the URL?

B.  Contact information for Representative of Organization

     1. What is your name and title with the Organization?
       Dr. Nii N. Quaynor, President

     2.  How can other representatives reach you? (email, telephone, fax
     email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] tel: 233-21-220622 fax: 233-21-762173

================  End of second copy ===========================

  So it appears that you Nii are involved directly in one application that you
submitted yourself, and one that "Mohammed-Sani Abdulai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
also submitted....  The second one (As I copied) is registered in a (ccTLD),
being the one that you submitted of,

Dr. Nii N. Quaynor wrote:

> >
> >  But the ghana-ISOC is registered it's presence in a (ccTLD) has it not?
> no, ghana-ISOC has not registered its presence in a ccTLD.
> >And you Nii, are the administrator of the, correct?  So how can you
> >represent both organizations as members of the NCDNHC?
> Which both organizations are you referring to? In anycase, I am not
> representing two organizations as members of NCDHNC. If you know differently
> please advise.
> Nii
> >
> >Dr. Nii N. Quaynor wrote:
> >
> >> >>         (nii quaynor    .gh     internet soceity of ghana)
> >> >>
> >> >> i am asking each organization to change the contact person who votes
> for
> >> >> NCDNHC election, or it may become a non-voting member.
> >> >
> >> >  Changing the organization's "Contact Person" does NOT change the fact
> >> >that these organizations belong in other constituencies (ccTLD).  Hence
> >> >any representative from these organizations should NOT be voting members
> >> >in both constituencies...
> >> >
> >>
> >> Please, internet society of ghana is *not* a ccTLD.
> >>
> >> nii
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >--
> >Jeffrey A. Williams
> >Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
> >CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
> >Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
> >Contact Number:  972-447-1894
> >Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208
> >
> >
> >
> >---
> >You are currently subscribed to ncdnhc-discuss as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> >
> >


Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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