At 02:29 PM 8/18/99 -0800, Ellen Rony wrote:
>The U.S. Committee on Commerce has posted a clutch of letters written by Rep.
>Tom Bliley. Chair of the committee, in response to the recent hearings.
>The letters are addressed to several individuals, including Chas. Ruff,
>counsel to the President, and Janet Reno:
>"I must say that these communications appear to be highly inappropriate.
>Not only does the conversation involve a senior Department official and a
>private party with a clear interest in an open DOJ enforcement action, but
>the discussion clearly involved potential legal and non-legal options
>available to the Department with respect to that open investigation. These
>communications are even more surprising in light of the fact that the
>Department routinely rejects requests by Congressional committees,
>including my own, for briefings on open law enforcement matters, citing
>Department policy and
>practice. Indeed, the Department has in the past refused to discuss even
>closed enforcement matters with Congressional committees.
>"I also am troubled by the close nexus between these communications, which
>occurred on March 31, 1999, and the Department's April 1999 decision to
>jump-start its dormant investigation of NSI -- which, whether warranted or
>not, certainly gives the impression of collusion between  ICANN and your
>Department on this sensitive enforcement and Internet policy matter."

At the risk of speaking on behalf of ICANN, Rep. Bliley is a freakin'
idiot. Any
person can go to any government agency at any time and complain, freak
out, kiss butt, or whatever, at any time he/she/it/they want(s) to. It may be
called lobbying, Constitutionally protected "redress of grievances," or
whatever, but that's how our system works. If I were "a private party having
a clear interest in an open DOJ enforcement action," I'd be all over the DOJ
since that is my right, and ICANN has that same right, however dunderheaded
it may be in everything else.

(Actually, as I said before, he is not really a freakin' idiot but rather an
NSI lap dog.)

Bill Lovell
>Links to these Bliley letters have been set on:
>Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
>Co-author                         ____
>==========================     ^..^     )6     =============================
>ISBN 0879305150                (oo) -^--                   +1 (415) 435-5010
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]              W   W                         Tiburon, CA
>               DOT COM is the Pig Latin of the Information Age
>Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
>Co-author                         ____
>==========================     ^..^     )6     =============================
>ISBN 0879305150                (oo) -^--                   +1 (415) 435-5010
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]              W   W                         Tiburon, CA
>               DOT COM is the Pig Latin of the Information Age

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