Michael Froomkin wrote:

>I hope very much that the practice in Berlin of "editing" and
>"summarizing" comments will be kept to a minimum, at least in the case of
>comments of less than a page.  I submitted a short comment, only to have
>it reduced to two sentences, losing one of my two points.  And that was
>the only e-mailed comment read out that entire day....

Prof. Froomkin makes a valid point.  If there's a need for brevity in the
remote comments, how about setting a word limit, e.g., 250 words, which
then places the editing and summarizing decisions in the hands of the
submitter, not the recipient.  Those who feel a compelling need to say more
have the choice of submitting additional comments or finding their words
edited by someone in Santiago.

Ellen Rony                                          The Domain Name Handbook
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