Internet Body Feels Democracy's Tug

            By JERI CLAUSING


During a public session that the board held on Wednesday, Esther
Dyson, an American who is the board's interim chairwoman, responded to
Icann's critics. "With all due respect," she told the audience, "we are less
interested in complaints about process" and more interested in "doing real
 work and moving forward."

My comment:  With all due respect, Esther, this is a very Machiavellian
approach for ICANN to take.  Your position that the end justifies the means
goes right into the bit bucket along with your early advice to the Internet
community to "trust us".

Among the other notable quotes in this NYT article are:

            "This is a very difficult world for
            new players to break into," said
            one in attendance, Alan Davidson,
            policy analyst of the Center for
            Democracy and Technology, an
            online civil libertarian group
            based in Washington.

"If this is the constitutional convention for cyberspace," he [Andrew L.
Shapiro, a senior advisor to the Markle Foundation, a New York-based
organization that underwrites projects it deems to be in the public
 interest] said, "it's as if they started the talks in Philadelphia without
half the colonies."

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