
Thank you for the comprehensive report of the difficulties you have.
I believe that you are doing a wonderful job, and I have the feeling of not
being alone in thinking this way.

I also believe that you overreacted to Joop's message, but I can try to
explain how this could have happened (off my memory - so please excuse some
potential inaccuracies).

Joop sent a long report on the Santiago meeting to ther IDNO. This report
was starting with the description of the reasons for Joop to be late at the
meeting, and having missed the first twenty minutes of it. Incidentally,
this had nothing to do with the board, or with you, but just with a cab
driver and the equation "foreigner=easy_money".

In the following message to IFWP, Joop snipped his colorful description of
the incident, leaving only the following text:

> > <snip>
> > We were not the only ones to miss it. The audio/video 
> server happened to
> be
> > down too, for 20 minutes.

leaving the impression to you that the <snip> was referred to some comment
related to the Board or Berkman Center behaviour.

I strongly believe that Joop does not think that there has been a
conspiracy, or at least he does not think you being part of it. The positive
side is that we all could know what difficulties you have in providing a
valuable link between the physical meeting and the online meeting. 


P.S.: on second thought, maybe there was a conspiracy, and the taxi driver
in Santiago was in reality an undercover CORE/POC/ISOC agent, and the error
rate on the link to the Internet cloud was provoked artificially, and ...

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